I Finished My Second Draft!

I completed my second draft!!


I honestly still can’t really believe it. I’ve tried to get here so many times before but have always failed. I’ve written sloppy draft after sloppy draft, not even having the motivation to plough through revisions because of how disastrous they were, full of plot holes and uninteresting characters.

I am happy to say that I now have an actual completed book that is readable. However, I still wouldn’t consider it good. The descriptions in my second draft are a little lackluster and I could definitely tighten up the characters arcs.

Even so, I am truly, genuinely happy with where it’s at right now. I love my characters more and more each day, and I can’t wait for all of you to meet them!

My dad is my first beta reader/CP right now and I have two others lined up. His shock when I gave him the full manuscript is definitely something I ‘ll remember forever. He was so surprised because I only offhandedly mentioned that I was writing something back in May, but never brought it up after that. So, delivering it at his house this week must have definitely been a shock to his system.

I’ve also had a long history of giving him one of those aforementioned sloppy drafts to read that I could never finish. I understand now that when you decide to do something creative, you really have to learn your process. And even though every author gives this advice, I think it’s important to reiterate that you shouldn’t give up prematurely.

The trial and error period for my writing process has lasted like 15 years but with each year and each draft, I’ve learned something crucial about how to write that has made me better.

Having a solid outline has made all the difference for me this year. I know that I can finish a story as long as I have it there to guide me. So don’t take your outline for granted you guys! It is truly your drafting lifeline!

My September goals are to implement my CPs’ feedback on the second draft and revise a third draft that is hopefully worthy of Pitch Wars. I’m so nervous, but also so excited. I’m really going for it. Whether I actually make it in to Pitch Wars or not, after this month everything will be different because my story will be the best it’s ever been.